At Box Fab, sustainability and longevity are the key factors for all our products.

We achieve this through a commitment to high-quality, rugged materials. Every component is chosen for its performance and durability, ensuring your unit can withstand years of heavy use in the demanding hire, event, framing or construction industries.

This translates to a projected lifespan of over 15 years, minimising waste and environmental impact by eliminating the need for frequent replacements or maintenance.

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Energy efficiency is another core principle. We integrate high-performance insulation into our units, significantly reducing the amount of electrical energy required to maintain a comfortable temperature. This translates to lower operational costs for you and a smaller environmental footprint. Furthermore, we exclusively utilise low-energy LED lighting, further minimising your energy consumption.

Sustainability extends beyond just energy use. We source only recyclable raw materials, including our GRP (Glass Reinforced Plastic) panels, which comply with stringent EU regulations. Additionally, we avoid using Gypsum, a non-recyclable material commonly found in traditional construction. This commitment to responsible resource management ensures a minimised environmental impact.

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